
Betrayals by lili st crow
Betrayals by lili st crow

Specifically, her repeated refusal to accept that maybe she doesn't know it all, Dru's attitudes with her knowledgeable djamphir teachers wore on my nerves. Several times, within the first four chapters of the book, I wanted to shake her/slap her/tell her to get a grip. and you got it: betrayal.ĭru herself irritated me a fair bit more than she did in the first novel. Now ensconced within The Order, within a "Schola", the one place she is supposed to be safe and valued above all - Dru is snared in a web of lies, half-truths, deceptions.

betrayals by lili st crow

With a complete change of setting and a brand-new plotline, Betrayals doesn't rely on the actions of its predecessor novel to determine the story: it charts a new path of uncertainty for Dru to walk. By no means a heavy or difficult read, this series is shaping up to be a pretty basic, fun, supernatural young-adult series with excellent writing, interesting mythology and a decent protagonist. The author doesn't miss a beat with her second offering of the weird and strange in Dru's monsterified life - the same easy tone, and fluid pace that made Strange Angels such an enjoyable and fast read are both present here as well.

betrayals by lili st crow

As the extremely rare, intensely-sought-after female djamphir (usually male offspring of a vampiric father and a human mother), Dru is both isolated and coveted - by both sides in a good/evil paranormal struggle. Crow's vampire and wulfen populated world, Betrayals is the second in a series of (so far) five novels centered around young female svetocha, Dru Anderson.

Betrayals by lili st crow